
Extends: Node


Property Descriptions


var active: PopochiuInventoryItem
  • Setter: @active_setter

Provides access to the inventory item that is currently selected.


var clicked: PopochiuInventoryItem

Provides access to the inventory item that was clicked.


var items: Array

[Array] containing instances of the currently held [PopochiuInventoryItem]s.


var items_states: Dictionary

Stores data about the state of each PopochiuInventoryItem in the game. The key of each entry is the [member PopochiuInventoryItem.script_name] of the item.

Method Descriptions


func clean_inventory(in_bg: bool = false) -> void

Removes all the items that are currently in the inventory. If [param in_bg] is [code]true[/code], then the items are removed without calling [method PopochiuInventoryItem.discard] for each item.


func show_inventory(time: float = 1) -> void

Displays the inventory for a duration of [param time] seconds.


func queue_show_inventory(time: float = 1) -> Callable

Displays the inventory for a duration of [param time] seconds.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func hide_inventory(use_anim: bool = true) -> void

Hides the inventory. If [param use_anim] is set to [code]true[/code], a GUI animation is applied.


func queue_hide_inventory(use_anim: bool = true) -> Callable

Hides the inventory. If [param use_anim] is set to [code]true[/code], a GUI animation is applied. [br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func get_item_instance(item_name: String) -> PopochiuInventoryItem

Returns the instance of the PopochiuInventoryItem. If the item doesn't exists, then [code]null[/code] is returned.[br][br] This method is used by [b]res://game/autoloads/i.gd[/b] to load the instace of each item (present in that script as a variable for code autocompletion) in runtime.


func get_instance(script_name: String) -> PopochiuInventoryItem

Gets the instance of the PopochiuInventoryItem.


func set_active_item(item: PopochiuInventoryItem = null) -> void

Sets the cursor to use the texture of [param item].


func is_item_in_inventory(item_name: String) -> bool

Verifies if the item identified as [param item_name] is in the inventory.


func is_full() -> bool

Checks whether the inventory has reached its limit.


func deselect_active() -> void

Deselects the [member active] item.


func set_active(value: PopochiuInventoryItem) -> void


  • signal item_added(item, animate): Emitted when [param item] is added to the inventory. [param animate] can be utilized by the GUI to display an animation of the item entering the inventory.
  • signal item_add_done(item): Emitted when the [param item] has completed entering the inventory, signifying the end of the GUI animation.
  • signal item_removed(item, animate): Emitted when [param item] is removed from the inventory. [param animate] can be employed by the GUI to display an animation of the item leaving the inventory.
  • signal item_remove_done(item): Emitted when the [param item] has completed leaving the inventory, indicating the end of the GUI animation.
  • signal item_replaced(item, new_item): Emitted when [param item] is replaced in the inventory by [param new_item]. Useful for handling inventory item combinations.
  • signal item_replace_done(): Emitten when an item replacement has finished.
  • signal item_discarded(item): Emitted when the [param item] has finished leaving the inventory (i.e. when the GUI animation is complete).
  • signal item_selected(item): Emitted when [param item] is selected in the inventory.
  • signal inventory_show_requested(time): Emitted when the inventory is about to be displayed. You can specify the duration it remains visible with [param time] in seconds.
  • signal inventory_shown(): Emitted once the animation that displays the inventory has finished.
  • signal inventory_hide_requested(use_anim): Emitted when you want to hide the inventory. [param use_anim] can be used to determine whether or not to use an animation in the GUI.