
Extends: PopochiuClickable


Constants Descriptions


enum FlipsWhen{NONE = 0, LOOKING_RIGHT = 1, LOOKING_LEFT = 2}

Determines when to flip the [b]$Sprite2D[/b] child.


enum Looking{UP = 0, UP_RIGHT = 1, RIGHT = 2, DOWN_RIGHT = 3, DOWN = 4, DOWN_LEFT = 5, LEFT = 6, UP_LEFT = 7}

Determines the direction the character is facing

Property Descriptions


@export var text_color: Color = "(1, 1, 1, 1)"

The [Color] in which the dialogue lines of the character are rendered.


@export var flips_when: PopochiuCharacter.FlipsWhen = 0

Depending on its value, the [b]$Sprite2D[/b] child will be flipped horizontally depending on which way the character is facing. If the value is [constant NONE], then the [b]$Sprite2D[/b] child won't be flipped.


@export var voices: Array
  • Setter: @voices_setter

Array of [Dictionary] where each element has [code]{ emotion: String, variations: ArrayPopochiuAudioCue }[/code]. You can use this to define which [PopochiuAudioCue]s to play when the character speaks using a specific emotion.


@export var follow_player: bool = false
  • Setter: @follow_player_setter

Whether the character should follow the player-controlled character (PC) when it moves through the room.


@export var follow_player_offset: Vector2 = "(20, 0)"

The offset between the player-controlled character (PC) and this character when it follows the former one.


@export var avatars: Array
  • Setter: @avatars_setter

Array of [Dictionary] where each element has [code]{ emotion: String, avatar: Texture }[/code]. You can use this to define which [Texture] to use as avatar for the character when it speaks using a specific emotion.


@export var walk_speed: float = 200

The speed at which the character will move in pixels per frame.


@export var can_move: bool = true

Whether the character can or not move.


@export var ignore_walkable_areas: bool = false

Whether the character ignores or not walkable areas. If [code]true[/code], the character will move to any point in the room clicked by players without taking into account the walkable areas in it.


@export var anti_glide_animation: bool = false

Whether the character will move only when the frame changes on its animation.


@export var dialog_pos: Vector2

Used by the GUI to calculate where to render the dialogue lines said by the character when it speaks.


var position_stored = null

The stored position of the character. Used when [member anti_glide_animation] is [code]true[/code].


var last_room: String = ""

Stores the [member PopochiuRoom.script_name] of the preiously visited [PopochiuRoom].


var anim_suffix: String = ""

The suffix text to add to animation names.


var is_moving: bool = false

Whether the character is or not moving through the room.


var emotion: String = ""

The current emotion used by the character.


var on_scaling_region: Dictionary


var default_walk_speed: int = 0

Stores the default walk speed defined in [member walk_speed]. Used by [PopochiuRoom] when scaling the character if it is inside a [PopochiuRegion] that modifies the scale.


var default_scale: Vector2 = "(1, 1)"

Stores the default scale. Used by [PopochiuRoom] when scaling the character if it is inside a [PopochiuRegion] that modifies the scale.

Method Descriptions


func queue_idle() -> Callable

Puts the character in the idle state by playing its idle animation, then waits for [code]0.2[/code] seconds. If the characer has a [b]$Sprite2D[/b] child, it makes it flip based on the [member flips_when] value.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func idle() -> void

Puts the character in the idle state by playing its idle animation, then waits for [code]0.2[/code] seconds. If the characer has a [b]$Sprite2D[/b] child, it makes it flip based on the [member flips_when] value.


func queue_walk(target_pos: Vector2) -> Callable

Makes the character move to [param target_pos] and plays its walk animation. If the characer has a [b]$Sprite2D[/b] child, it makes it flip based on the [member flips_when] value.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func walk(target_pos: Vector2) -> void

Makes the character move to [param target_pos] and plays its walk animation. If the characer has a [b]$Sprite2D[/b] child, it makes it flip based on the [member flips_when] value.


func take_turn(target_pos: Vector2)


func queue_stop_walking() -> Callable

Makes the character stop moving and emits [signal stopped_walk].[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func stop_walking() -> void

Makes the character stop moving and emits [signal stopped_walk].


func queue_face_up() -> Callable

Makes the character to look up by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant UP] and waits until [method idle] finishes.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func face_up() -> void

Makes the character to look up by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant UP] and waits until [method idle] finishes.


func queue_face_up_right() -> Callable

Makes the character to look up and right by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant UP_RIGHT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func face_up_right() -> void

Makes the character to look up and right by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant UP_RIGHT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.


func queue_face_right() -> Callable

Makes the character to look right by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant RIGHT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func face_right() -> void

Makes the character to look right by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant RIGHT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.


func queue_face_down_right() -> Callable

Makes the character to look down and right by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant DOWN_RIGHT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func face_down_right() -> void

Makes the character to look down and right by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant DOWN_RIGHT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.


func queue_face_down() -> Callable

Makes the character to look down by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant DOWN] and waits until [method idle] finishes.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func face_down() -> void

Makes the character to look down by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant DOWN] and waits until [method idle] finishes.


func queue_face_down_left() -> Callable

Makes the character to look down and left by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant DOWN_LEFT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func face_down_left() -> void

Makes the character to look down and left by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant DOWN_LEFT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.


func queue_face_left() -> Callable

Makes the character to look left by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant LEFT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func face_left() -> void

Makes the character to look left by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant LEFT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.


func queue_face_up_left() -> Callable

Makes the character to look up and left by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant UP_LEFT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func face_up_left() -> void

Makes the character to look up and left by setting [member _looking_dir] to [constant UP_LEFT] and waits until [method idle] finishes.


func queue_face_clicked() -> Callable

Makes the character face in the direction of the last clicked [PopochiuClickable], which is stored in [member Popochiu.clicked].[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func face_clicked() -> void

Makes the character face in the direction of the last clicked [PopochiuClickable], which is stored in [member Popochiu.clicked].


func queue_say(dialog: String, emo: String = "") -> Callable

Calls [method _play_talk] and emits [signal character_spoke] sending itself as parameter, and the [param dialog] line to show on screen. You can specify the emotion to use with [param emo]. If an [AudioCue] is defined for the emotion, it is played. Once the talk animation finishes, the characters return to its idle state.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func say(dialog: String, emo: String = "") -> void

Calls [method _play_talk] and emits [signal character_spoke] sending itself as parameter, and the [param dialog] line to show on screen. You can specify the emotion to use with [param emo]. If an [AudioCue] is defined for the emotion, it is played. Once the talk animation finishes, the characters return to its idle state.


func queue_grab() -> Callable

Calls [method _play_grab] and waits until the [signal grab_done] is emitted, then goes back to [method idle].[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func grab() -> void

Calls [method _play_grab] and waits until the [signal grab_done] is emitted, then goes back to [method idle].


func hide_helpers() -> void

Calls [method PopochiuClickable.hide_helpers].


func show_helpers() -> void

Calls [method PopochiuClickable.show_helpers].


func queue_walk_to(pos: Vector2) -> Callable

Makes the character walk to [param pos].[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func walk_to(pos: Vector2) -> void

Makes the character walk to [param pos].


func queue_walk_to_clicked(offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> Callable

Makes the character walk to the last clicked [PopochiuClickable], which is stored in [member Popochiu.clicked]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func walk_to_clicked(offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> void

Makes the character walk (NON-BLOCKING) to the last clicked [PopochiuClickable], which is stored in [member Popochiu.clicked]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.


func walk_to_clicked_blocking(offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> void

Makes the character walk (BLOCKING the GUI) to the last clicked [PopochiuClickable], which is stored in [member Popochiu.clicked]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.


func queue_walk_to_clicked_blocking(offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> Callable

Makes the character walk (BLOCKING the GUI) to the last clicked [PopochiuClickable], which is stored in [member Popochiu.clicked]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position. [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func queue_walk_to_prop(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> Callable

Makes the character walk to the PopochiuProp (in the current room) which [member PopochiuClickable.script_name] is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func walk_to_prop(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> void

Makes the character walk to the PopochiuProp (in the current room) which [member PopochiuClickable.script_name] is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.


func queue_teleport_to_prop(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> Callable

Makes the character teleport (disappear at one location and instantly appear at another) to the PopochiuProp is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func teleport_to_prop(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> void

Makes the character teleport (disappear at one location and instantly appear at another) to the PopochiuProp is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.


func queue_walk_to_hotspot(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> Callable

Makes the character walk to the PopochiuHotspot (in the current room) which [member PopochiuClickable.script_name] is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func walk_to_hotspot(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> void

Makes the character walk to the PopochiuHotspot (in the current room) which [member PopochiuClickable.script_name] is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.


func queue_teleport_to_hotspot(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> Callable

Makes the character teleport (disappear at one location and instantly appear at another) to the PopochiuHotspot is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func teleport_to_hotspot(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> void

Makes the character teleport (disappear at one location and instantly appear at another) to the PopochiuHotspot is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.


func queue_walk_to_marker(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> Callable

Makes the character walk to the [Marker2D] (in the current room) which [member Node.name] is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func walk_to_marker(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> void

Makes the character walk to the [Marker2D] (in the current room) which [member Node.name] is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.


func queue_teleport_to_marker(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> Callable

Makes the character teleport (disappear at one location and instantly appear at another) to the [Marker2D] (in the current room) which [member Node.name] is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func teleport_to_marker(id: String, offset: Vector2 = "(0, 0)") -> void

Makes the character teleport (disappear at one location and instantly appear at another) to the [Marker2D] (in the current room) which [member Node.name] is equal to [param id]. You can set an [param offset] relative to the target position.


func queue_set_emotion(new_emotion: String) -> Callable

Sets [member emotion] to [param new_emotion] when in a [method Popochiu.queue].


func queue_ignore_walkable_areas(new_value: bool) -> Callable

Sets [member ignore_walkable_areas] to [param new_value] when in a [method Popochiu.queue].


func queue_play_animation(animation_label: String, animation_fallback: String = "idle", blocking: bool = false) -> Callable

Plays the [param animation_label] animation. You can specify a fallback animation to play with [param animation_fallback] in case the former one doesn't exists.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func play_animation(animation_label: String, animation_fallback: String = "idle")

Plays the [param animation_label] animation. You can specify a fallback animation to play with [param animation_fallback] in case the former one doesn't exists.


func queue_stop_animation()

Makes the animation that is currently playing to stop. Works only if it is looping and is not an idle animation. The animation stops when the current loop finishes.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func stop_animation()

Makes the animation that is currently playing to stop. Works only if it is looping and is not an idle animation. The animation stops when the current loop finishes.


func queue_halt_animation()

Immediately stops the animation that is currently playing by changing to the idle animation. [br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func halt_animation()

Immediately stops the animation that is currently playing by changing to the idle animation.


func queue_pause_animation()

Pauses the animation that is currently playing.[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func pause_animation()

Pauses the animation that is currently playing.


func queue_resume_animation()

Resumes the current animation (that was previously paused).[br][br] [i]This method is intended to be used inside a [method Popochiu.queue] of instructions.[/i]


func resume_animation()

Resumes the current animation (that was previously paused).


func face_direction(destination: Vector2)

Makes the character look in the direction of [param destination]. The result is one of the values defined by [enum Looking].


func get_avatar_for_emotion(emo: String = "") -> Texture

Returns the [Texture] of the avatar defined for the [param emo] emotion. Returns [code]null[/code] if no avatar is found. If there is an avatar defined for the [code]""[/code] emotion, that one is returned by default.


func get_dialog_pos() -> float

Returns the [code]y[/code] value of the dialog_pos [Vector2] that defines the position of the dialog lines said by the character when it talks.


func update_position() -> void


func update_scale()

Updates the scale depending on the properties of the scaling region where it is located.


func set_voices(value: Array) -> void


func set_follow_player(value: bool) -> void


func set_avatars(value: Array) -> void


  • signal started_walk_to(character, start, end): Emitted when a [param character] starts moving from [param start] to [param end]. [PopochiuRoom] connects to this signal in order to make characters move inside them from one point to another.
  • signal stopped_walk(): Emitted when the character is forced to stop while walking.
  • signal move_ended(): Emitted when the character reaches the ending position when moving from one point to another.
  • signal grab_done(): Emitted when the animation to grab things has finished.