Join our community

We do our best to keep this documentation relevant and up to date, but we know that some nuances and needs will go beyond what we can provide.

That's where our community kicks in.

Join Carenalgas Discord Server to get in touch with Popochiu's users and contributors.

Passionate people and seasoned developers will be more than willing to help you, and we are sure you'll soon be in the position to give back.

Before asking for help

  • Check the documentation
  • Head to the FAQ channel in the Popochius section
  • Take a look at the error messages in Godot console and see if they help you figure out what's happening

Popochiu has a very welcoming and cheerful community, full of very helpful people. These steps will save them the effort of answering the same questions over and over and will leave more space and resources to address non-trivial problems.

Of course, if you don't understand something, there is nothing like a silly question! Feel free to ask for clarifications and share your feedback on our documentation and resources.

How to ask for help

You can ask for help on #general or in every channel that seems to fit the topic you need assistance with.

  • Make your problem clear. Provide context and any relevant information to help others understand the problem.
  • Add visuals (if relevant). Whenever applicable, include screenshots, gifs, or videos to visually demonstrate the problem.
  • Duly report errors, providing the full text or screenshot along with the steps you took leading up to the error.
  • Don't push people to answer: Be patient and respectful. Avoid pushing for an immediate response. People in the community are all volunteering their time for free, at best effort. They will help you as soon as they can.

Being polite and detailed greatly increases your chances of getting the help you need.
Showing gratitude is optional, but very appreciated.

Providing help

We would like Carenalgas community to shine for the high quality of its discussions and mood.
Everyone can help; nobody should feel forced to.

Here are some behavioral guidelines to make sure everyone feels supported and welcome.

  • Be clear when you explain steps or solutions to a problem, avoiding technical jargon whenever possible, to make your answer accessible to everyone.
  • Encourage interaction, creating an environment where users feel comfortable seeking help.
  • Be patient and remember that everyone has different levels of expertise, but...
  • Point to documentation in a polite way (no "RTFM", please), remembering users that they should at least try to find solutions independently.
  • Be positive and supportive, and let's celebrate other members' successes, no matter how small.


If you found a bug or if you want to propose an improvement, GitHub is the place to head to.

How to report a bug

If you are reasonably sure you are hitting a bug, visit the project's issue tracker and search the list of all the planned or proposed changes to make sure nobody already reported the same problem.


Filtering the list by the bug tag can help, but please, perform a full-text search in case the problem has been mislabeled.

  • If you discover that the bug has already been reported, read the description and the comments. They may contain useful information that can help you right away. In any case, leave a comment to confirm that you also are affected, providing additional details if you have some.
  • If you can't find anything related to your problem, create a new issue, selecting the Bug report template. Follow the template guidance to provide the maintainers with the minimum set of information necessary to replicate the bug and observe the behavior.

How to require a new feature, or propose a new idea

Again, head to the project's issue tracker and search the list of all the planned or proposed changes to make sure nobody already required the same feature, or that it's not already planned.

  • If you find a similar or related issue, please leave a comment with your thoughts, or a description of your use case, before opening a new feature. It may help to keep the big picture in a single discussion.
  • If you can't find anything, create a new issue, then select the Feature request template. Fill in the required sections and try to be as descriptive as possible about your use case.


The core maintainers are doing their best to prioritize their work depending on the feedback and available information, organizing tasks in project milestones. You can take a glimpse of what's coming next by reviewing our roadmap.


Contributing is not all about pushing code! Also consider reading our Contribution Guidelines, to learn all the ways you can help the project thrive.

Godot community and docs

Last but not least, keep in mind that Popochiu is a Godot plugin.

One of our foundational design principles is to create a tool that enables users to craft their games knowing little to nothing about Godot. In practice, Godot does a lot of heavy lifting, so you can't really be unaware of how it works.

If it's the first time you touch this engine, we suggest you take some time to learn Godot's basics.

And of course, keep Godot's documentation always at hand.